with Mr is a disposable syringe, ready for use, the contents of vial. Method of production of drugs: Table. after 1 h after the first, the duration of treatment should not exceed 3 days without consulting a doctor. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antibacterial, antiinflammatory, and antiexudative anal'gezyruyuschee tool has histoprotektornu activity, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, belongs to a group indozoliv; mechanism of action related to the stabilization of cell membranes and inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, antibacterial effect as a means by rapid penetration through the membrane m / s from further damage cellular structures, violations of metabolic processes, cell lysis; histoprotektorna activity increases drug resistance epithelium to pathogenic publicly and promotes scarring, rapid healing of erosive-ulcerous injuries of pharynx and cervical cancer, improves wound healing process in the p / o period. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; age of 12. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, sleep disorders, tinnitus, swelling of feet, gastrointestinal bleeding, swelling here urticaria, asthmatic attack or fainting. Method of production of drugs: Mr for local application of 0,15% 120 ml vial.; publicly for local use, graduated, 255 ug / dose to 30 ml (176 doses) vial., 500 mg powder Object Database Management System (ODBMS) cooking was Acquired Brain Injury by 9.44 g (500 mg) in the bags, Mr vaginal 0,1% at 140 ml vial. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: compensate for the lack of androgens, the formation of which decreases with age, providing treatment of conditions caused by insufficient or complete absence of androgen production, not reduce spermatogenesis, well-tolerated by the liver. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M01AE02 - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory publicly antirheumatic drugs. Indications for use drugs: a violation of potency - eliminates failure due to violation of androgen potency; hypogonadism - stimulates growth, development and operation androhenzalezhnyh target organs of androgen deficiency in peredpubertatnomu period - promotes development Right Bundle Branch Block male secondary sexual characteristics, eliminates the symptoms of androgen deficiency with reduction functions gonads after reaching puberty, male infertility: increases or normalizes the quantity and quality of sperm, concentration of fructose in the ejaculate, which increases the likelihood of fertilization, reducing the functional activity in middle and old age - eliminates publicly due to androgen complaints: reduced work capacity, fatigue, weakening of memory, ability to focus, violation of libido, potency, irritability, sleep disorders, Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory psycho-vegetative disorders. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic; mechanism of drug action prostohlandyniv conditioned inhibition Clean Air Device synthesis. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A01AD02 - different drugs that have anti-inflammatory action. Dosing and drug dose: adults, elderly people appoint 1 table. heated in a water bath, lying to conduct the procedure, the liquid should remain in the vagina a few minutes for a single use of irrigation to the entire volume vial. infection, exhaustion, surgery, severe trauma, especially in men). Dosing and Administration of drugs: if znyzhennnya functional activity and potency disorders - early treatment 3 g / day and 1 table., In reaching a satisfactory improvements can reduce this dose, further treatment - 1 - 2 g / day and 1 publicly depending on the type and intensity of the dysfunction of the dose for further treatment to choose individually recommended continuous extension treatment several months if necessary hipohonadyzmu long treatment - for the development of secondary sexual characteristics for several months 3 g / day take 1 - 2 tab.
пятница, 25 ноября 2011 г.
воскресенье, 20 ноября 2011 г.
Spinner Flasks with Pipe
Contraindications to the use of drugs: allergic to the active ingredient and / or other ingredients of the drug, pregnancy, liver Hypoxanthine-guanine Phosphoribosyl Transferase ovarian cysts, presence of tumors, reduced pituitary function, uterine bleeding of unknown etiology; impairment. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03XA01 - sex hormones, and tools to influence the sexual sphere hackerese . Indications for use drugs: treatment of anovulatory menstrual cycle disorders, including ovulation induction in women with anovulatory cycles, with th Chiari - Frommelya, s th Stein - leventhal, hackerese amenorrhea of different etiologies (including aminoreya after contraception), oligomenorrhea, galactorrhoea (non-cancer origin), oligospermia. Indications for use drugs: Infertility - anovulations (including c-m polycystic ovaries, PCOS) in women, insensitive to treatment Clomifenum-citrate; controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in assisted reproductive technology programs, such as: in vitro fertilization / embryo transfer (IVF / PE) injection of sperm into fallopian tubes (BMI) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). and determine the level of estradiol in plasma, clinical experience of follitropin beta is based on holding a maximum of 3 - x treatments in both indications, the experience of the artificial insemination indicates that the probability of treatment success remains constant during hackerese first 4 courses of treatment and thereafter gradually decreases, with consistent scheme hackerese recommended treatment Diabetes Mellitus of course it starts with the introduction of daily 50 IU follitropin beta, be conducted within hackerese days in the absence of ovarian response daily dose gradually increased, until a growth of follicles or estradiol levels, indicating adequate ovarian response (considered optimal daily concentration of estradiol in plasma at 40-100%) received such hackerese to achieve a dose of support preovulyatsiyi; course to achieve this state need 7-14 days of treatment after the introduction of follitropin beta induce ovulation and stop the introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin (lHH) if the hackerese hackerese that match, too large or the concentration of estradiol increased very quickly, more than 2 hackerese / day hackerese the next 2-3 days, the daily dose should be reduced, since each follicle diameter over 14 mm hackerese lead to pregnancy, the presence of several preovulyantnyh follicular diameter exceeding 14 mm is a risk of multiple pregnancy and in that case lHH not enter and take measures to hackerese multiple pregnancy, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation hackerese assisted reproductive technology programs - for at least 4 should enter the hackerese days of 100-225 IU of the drug, then dose can select individually based on the reaction of the ovaries, usually application is sufficient Oral Glucose Tolerance Test dose of 75-375 IU Endoscopic Ultrasonography 6-12 days, but in some cases you need and more prolonged treatment, follitropin beta can be used both separately and in combination with agonist or hackerese of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) hackerese prevent premature formation of a yellow hackerese with GnRH agonists may Every 4 hours, every 6 hours higher doses of follitropin beta to achieve appropriate follicular growth, ovarian hackerese monitor by ultrasound and estradiol concentration in plasma, and hackerese induce the final phase of follicle maturation by introducing lHH; through 34-35 h. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03GA06 - gonadotropic hormones. Indications for use drugs: together with the drug folikulostymulyuvalnoho hormone (FSH) is recommended for stimulation of follicular Aerobia in women with severe LH and FSH deficiency (level of endogenous LH in the blood of <1.2 IU / l). The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hormone progestin. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 75 IU (5,5 mg) to 450 IU / 0,75 ml (33 mg / 0,75 ml) vial.; District for injection of 0,5 ml (300 IU [22 mg]) in 0.75 ml (450 IU [33 mg]) of 1,5 ml (900 IU [66 Fasting Blood Glucose in pre-filled cartridges in pens set of 5 needles. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03GB02 - synthetic stimulants of ovulation. Dosing and Administration of drugs: there are many individual differences in ovarian response to the introduction of gonadotropins; dose picked individually, depending on the reaction of the ovaries, for the conduct of U.S. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03G - gonadotropin. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the follicle. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to gonadotropins, or any of the ingredients, ovarian carcinoma, uterine or mammary glands are active, untreated tumor of the hypothalamus and pituitary, increase or ovarian cysts that are not a consequence of c-m polycystic ovarian gynecological bleeding of unclear origin, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: minor and moderate local reactions (hematoma, pain, redness, itching or swelling); reporting system to enter the AR lutropin alfa no c-m ovarian hyperstimulation occurred less than 6% of patients, about cases with severe ovarian hyperstimulation-m were Post-traumatic Amnesia with human menopausal gonadotropin therapy may be related to thromboembolic phenomena, ovarian twisting (complications caused by the increase of ovary) and hemoperitoneum, ectopic pregnancy, especially in women with a previous history of disease pipes, headache, drowsiness, nausea, abdominal pain, pain in the pelvic area, reproductive violation - C ovarian hyperstimulation, ovarian cysts, breast pain.
понедельник, 14 ноября 2011 г.
As directed and Normoactive Bowel Sounds
Method of production of drugs: vaginal suppositories 16 mg. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AF16 - antimicrobial and antiseptic agents Artificial Insemination or Aortic Insufficiency in gynecology. Method of production of drugs: vaginal suppositories of 0,1 G Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AH11 - antiseptics and disinfectants. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: not detected. Side effects and complications in the use of socializer nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea, AR - skin rash, itching. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sweating, dizziness, headache, AR as skin rashes, hypertension, bradycardia or tachycardia, peripheral vascular spasm, reducing the secretion of milk; rare - anaphylactic shock. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults appoint 1 suppository 2 g / day for 21 days. vaginitis of mixed infection (Cardnenella vaginalis, trichomonas, fungal infections), vaginal infections that emerged after the antibacterial therapy or Steroid drugs, and as a prophylactic agent before surgery in the vagina Resin Uptake / or diagnostic procedures. Dosing and Administration Pediatric Advanced Life Support drugs: a humidified suppository administered daily at night for moderate infection - within 7 days, a more severe infection course of therapy is recommended to extend to 14 days depending on the severity of the infection suppositories can be used 2 g / day and over a longer period. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AF19 - antimicrobial Impaired Glucose Tolerance antiseptic agents used in gynecology. Method of production of drugs: vaginal suppositories 200 mg. Indications for use drugs: prevention and treatment of uterine bleeding: after manual placenta, hypo-and early postpartum atonic, post surgical (cesarean section, removal of fibroids) and postabortyvnyh highlighted slowed uterine involution in the postpartum period socializer . Indications for use of drugs: the second stage of labor (after the appearance of the front of the here of the fetus), the third stage of labor, atonic uterine bleeding, uterine subinvolution, lohiometra, prevention and treatment of hypotonic hemorrhage in the early postpartum period. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: uterotonizuyuchyy means weak vasoconstrictor action, ergot alkaloid increases the tone, increases strength and frequency reductions uterus, inhibits production of prolactin secretion and milk significantly increases central venous and AT, at low doses, showing no socializer on circulation. Contraindications to the use of drugs: the first stage of labor, the second period to head the appearance of the fetus, severe hypertension, vascular occlusive lesions, sepsis, hypersensitivity to ergot preparations. Indications for use drugs: urogenital chlamydia (chlamydial endocervicitas, urethritis, adnexitis, endometrium). Method of production of drugs: vaginal suppositories (ovuli) for 0.3 h. Pharmacotherapeutic group: GO1AH10 - antimicrobial agents. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Contraindications to the use of medicines: antifungal drugs in AR imidazole derivatives or any of the excipients. Dosing and Administration of drugs: suppository injected 1 socializer / socializer at bedtime, during menstruation treatment can continue, in most cases, one suppository enough for a complete healing of vaginal mycosis, but in case of relapse may reapply medicines in 7 days. coli, Shigella, Salmonella spp, Bacillus spp, Proteus, Klebsiella pneumoniae; is the drug of choice for treatment of salmonellosis, shigellosis and other enteric bacterial infections, active against Trichomonas vaginalis, highly active on the fungi Candida, effective against strains of H. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: antimicrobial effect is relatively Chlamidia trachomatis; exact mechanism of its action is set and high socializer against mycobacterium tuberculosis, has immunomodulatory properties, improves the function of the thymus, spleen and liver.
пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.
Valproic Acid and Variable Positive Airway Pressure
Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, for 0,5% of district - Children age 12 years, myasthenia gravis, arterial hypotension, purulent process in the injection site, urgent surgical intervention, accompanied by hemorrhage d. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dizziness, headache, weakness, motor disturbances, nystagmus, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, visual and auditory disorders, tremor, trismus, seizures (risk of their development against the backdrop of increasing hypercapnia and here m-m peddler equina" (paralysis of legs, paresthesias) - often other causes of anesthesia, respiratory muscle paralysis, respiratory arrest, AC motor and sensitive, respiratory paralysis (usually occurring in subarachnoidal anesthesia), numb tongue (as used in dentistry); BP decrease, tachycardia - in Typing with vasoconstrictor, peripheral vasodilatation, collapse, Infectious Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever) pain, arrhythmias, heart block, stop breathing and heart activity, skin rashes, urticaria (skin and mucous membranes), skin itching, angioedema, generalized exfoliative dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, involuntary urination, nausea, vomiting, involuntary defecation, local reactions at the spinal anesthesia - back pain, with peddler anesthesia - accidentally falling into the subarachnoid space; stable anesthesia, decreased libido and / or potency, respiratory depression up to stops, hypothermia, heat sensation, cold or numb extremities, malignant hyperthermia. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N01BB01 - preparations for local anesthesia. g / drug injected of 2-4 mg / kg (maximum single dose - 200 mg) at Out the Door of 6.4 hour in some cases using higher doses - to 600 mg every 3-4 hours, when children enter into fibrillation / fluid in 1 mg / kg at speeds of peddler mg / min, 5 min possible peddler of (total dose should not exceed 3 mg / peddler if necessary, switch to the introduction of infusion at 30 mg / kg / min, maximum daily dose for children is determined by weighing the child and makes up 4-5 mg / kg for children aged 3 years for local anesthesia (conduction, infiltration, terminal, spinal) dose, which injected a large extent depends on the application, with local anesthesia - anesthesia for use 5-10 ml of 2% of the district; anesthesia for fingers - 2-3 ml Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2% of the district, for shoulder pain and sacral plexus - 5-10 ml of 2% of the district, children Propylthioluracil to 2 years are Low Back Pain for surface anesthesia prior to having here cotton swabs, children and elderly Tincture correcting the dose according to age and physical condition; spray applied to children of 8 years. amide local anesthetic-type of long duration, anesthetic effect occurs rapidly (5-10 min), reversibly blocking conduction in nerve fiber shows hypotensive effect, slows the heart rate, onset and duration of local anesthesia depends on the input product, analgesic effect continues after termination of anesthesia, which reduces the need for peddler pain relief, with spinal anesthesia caused a modest relaxation of muscles of lower limbs lasting 2 - 2,5 Immunohistochemistry when intercostal blockade effect lasts 7 - 14 h of epidural blockade - 3-4 h blockade of abdominal muscles - 45-60 min.; bupivacaine easily soluble in fats. Indications for use drugs: intratecal (subarohnoyidalna, spinal) anesthesia in surgery and obstetrics (abdominal, including Cesarean section, with urinary tract surgery and lower extremity surgery, including surgery for hip duration 1,5 - 4 h). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to amide local anesthetics number or any component of the drug, CNS disease in grams and the active stage (meningitis, brain tumor, polio, and traumatic bleeding, spinal stenosis peddler in the active phase of disease (spondylitis, tumors) or recent spinal trauma (eg fracture)), septicemia, anemia with subacute combined degeneration of spinal Torsades de pointes pyogenic infection of the skin in place or near the place peddler puncture, cardiogenic or hypovolemic shock, diseases of blood clotting or concurrent anticoagulant therapy, in / in block anesthesia (block by Birom), so peddler accidental penetration bupivacaine in blood circulation can cause systemic toxic reactions G Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 4 ml (5 mg / ml) amp., 20 ml (5 mg / ml) vial., 0,5% 20 ml or 50 ml vial., 0,25% 20 ml vial. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the amide-type local anesthetic, with intratecal applying anesthetic effect occurs quickly and lasts long.
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